
I’m a PhD student at Charles Darwin University doing research at the intersection of disaster communication, intercultural translation, and language technologies.

Prior to this, I was a faculty member at the University of the Philippines, where I taught undergraduate courses and co-advised student research projects at the UP Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute.

Research interests

  • interdisciplinary studies
  • Indigenous knowledge practices
  • human-centered design
  • speech/NLP for local languages

Other interests

  • music (I am an active singer and erstwhile conductor in various choral groups, and I enjoy music spanning a variety of genres, from classical to synth to progressive metal)
  • games (I spend a lot of my free time playing video games, card games, and roleplaying games with friends, and I’ve also tried my hand at Unity game development)
  • visual arts (I occasionally make pixel art and paintings, and like to shoot photos of wildlife and landscapes when the opportunity comes)